The Various Ways of “Self-Care”

The Various Ways of “Self-Care”

A topic that I have been hearing of and seeing related posts about quite often is the idea of self-care. When one thinks of self care, usually face masks, bubble baths, and maybe even take out and a favorite movie come to mind. But, self-care is not just a DIY spa; self-care can appear in various forms for various different people who have varying stressors in their life.

I like to think of self-care as a mutlidimensial kind of practice. I classify it as a practice because part of self-care is the ability to be so in tune with your mind and body, even the mind-body connection, to know exactly what kind of care your body is asking for. And yes, face masks and bubble baths could certainly be the cure to a stressful week, but sometimes it is beyond that. Sometimes it is a yoga class or walk, some kind of movement to bring mental clarity. Other times it is simply spending time alone, or unselfishly putting yourself first because it is simply what you need. The key to self-care is being able to really listen to your body and mind and begin to get to know your body and mind, and treat it in the ways it is craving.

I’ll admit I fall victim to letting life sweep me up and the business of every day life sometimes causes me to put my needs to the side. But, especially in times of stress and chaos, it is so important to listen to your mind and body and give it the care it needs. I have listed my favorite forms of self-care below that go beyond the scope of what we envision under the term “self-care”.


Bake Your Favorite Treat!


Listen To Your Favorite Songs or Podcast!


Spend Time Reading!


Nourish Yourself With Foods That Make You Feel Your Best!


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


Begin & Keep A Journal!


Add Some Kind Of Movement Into Your Day!

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