Positive Loop!

Positive Loop!

Life is full of ups & downs. It is full of happy moments just as it has its somber ones. When our days are full of good company and things that make us happy, our headspace is in a much better place. Yet, on the days where we find ourselves out of sorts and out of touch with ourselves, negative thought patterns can soon ensue. Negative thought patterns and negative self-talk can be really detrimental to our mental health, as well as our emotional & physical well-beings. Maintaining a cycle of positive thoughts, or positive loop, can be really beneficial for our headspace.

The positive loop is a mindset that focuses on positivity to have an overall beneficial impact in our lives. When we think something positive, it leads us to another positive thought, and so on, creating this flowing & never-ending cycle of happy thoughts. The positive loop is such an easy method to master, and there is truly no “wrong” way to do it. Listed below are the easy steps below to follow in order to adopt & master the positive loop!


The first step is the most important. When we observe & focus on our inner selves, we can begin to understand our mindset, emotional well-being, & physical states in more depth. During this step, begin to think about who you really are deep down: What are your values? Opinions? Motivations? Purpose?


I can’t emphasis enough how important it is to feel in our lives. Become in tune with your mind and emotions, simply observing your feelings without judgment or ridicule. Once we can just observe & sit with our emotions, we can then begin to embrace them, which is such an important thing. Allow yourself to feel & freely express whatever emotions you may be feeling without judgment & without holding back.


After we fully observe & embrace our emotions, it’s important to reflect on them. Think deeply & explore within yourself where you believe these emotions, whether they are happy, sad, angry, etc., are stemming from. Ask yourself why you believe you are feeling a certain way? What do you believe caused you to feel such a way? When did those feelings begin arising for you?


After deep reflection, we are ready to act. Upon embracing and reflecting on our emotions, our intuition begins to awaken, letting us know just how to move forward. Act according to your intuition and let your intuition and feelings guide you towards what you believe will be most helpful & beneficial for you.


As a result of observation and reflection, we’re much more in touch with ourselves mentally, emotionally, & physically. Our understanding of our emotions and thought patterns can allow us to grow and prosper, fully adopting this positive loop. Grow and cultivate on the simple joys in your life. As you begin to let your feelings & emotions guide you, notice any changes within yourself as well as how you grow as a person.


Following the completion of all steps, repeat the process as many times as you feel necessary to master the process of the positive loop.

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