6 Signs You May Need A Social Media Break

6 Signs You May Need A Social Media Break

I hope everyone had a lovely holidays spent with loved ones, quality time, and fulfilling home cooked meals!

Around this time of year, it is so easy to get swept up in the world of social media, keeping tabs on how our “friends” are spending their holiday, weekends, and time off from their busy schedules.

Social media can be such a wonderful tool we have access to. It allows us to stay in touch with friends and family, as well as make new connections, whether it be social or professional. We can use it to share and exchange our thoughts and ideas and find a wide range of new information and resources. Yet, like most things in life, it is no stranger to a long list of cons. We all fall victim to abusing our usage of social media, which can lead to negative feelings, emotions, or detrimental behavior. It is helpful to remember that social media is simply a highlight reel of our lives, with our ups being advertisted and our downs being shown off-screen. Still, all of this can have a significant negative impact on our mental health, and leave us feeling poorly about ourselves.

Here are 6 signs that you may need a break from social media:


You’re stressed out all the time.


Your social media accounts (likes, comments, etc.) is all you can think about.


You find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others.


You feel separation anxiety when you are not online or on your social media accounts.


When you are out with friends or family, you cannot put your phone down and enjoy the present moment.


You have a big fear of missing out.

All of us at one point or another have found ourselves experiencing one of the six symptoms above. It is perfectly okay and normal to experience or identify with one of those symptoms above, some of them, or all of them even!

If you feel like you need a break from social media, here are 4 great things to do when you feel like reaching for your phone:


Journal for 15-20 minutes.


Get some fresh air and go for a walk.


Listen to a podcast of your choice.


Choose a book you’ve been wanting to read.

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